Welcome to Cora’s Column.
I am a writer and part-time music teacher, but mainly I am a "transatlantic wife, mom, sister and daughter!" Born in Dublin , Ireland, I married an amazing U.S. Air Force guy, emigrated to the U.S, and now have four wonderful almost grown up children, and a twenty-nine year old marriage. Lately I have been traveling between Ireland and the U.S., helping my sisters in the round-the-clock care of my ninety-four year old Mom, who recently suffered a stroke.
I have loved writing since childhood. About a year ago, my mother was sorting through some memory boxes when she came across one of my earliest illustrated stories - graphic novel style - written as a ten year old!
Once we got married and God blessed us with our first precious baby, I assumed my writing days were over, since I was determined to be a 24/7 stay-at-home Mom. But, God still kept pouring ideas into my mind and poetry into my heart. Even with three or four children under my wing, I often sensed God inspiring me with words, really late at night, as I mopped the floor alone in the kitchen.
My family and I have had a very eventful life, so far, traveling military style, as far north as Marquette, Michigan, on the shores of Lake Superior, and as far East as Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, where our only baby girl was born. We have now settled like the dust, in the desert of Arizona.
I have written some romantic stories, but mostly I write non fiction, including poetry, devotionals and memoirs. I recently had an devotional published on the Internet (check out: http://mustardseedministries.org) and also have a contribution to a book. I am now working towards writing my own book. About four years ago, I joined a writers critiquing group here in the Valley of the Sun, which I have found extremely encouraging and inspiring.
And now that we have sent our youngest child off to College, I feel more compelled to write more than ever. I am convinced that God has given me this time...
I write because of I Thessalonians 5:11. - "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up..."
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